Postnatal Care
During the first eight weeks after the birth of your child I will visit you regularly in your home and support you with everything concerning mother and baby. I will check on your well-being, observe the recovery of the mother, I will look after possible tears and scars, help you with breastfeeding or bottle-feeding of your child and with the care of your breasts and nipples. I will answer all your questions around the care of the newborn and help you with the first bath. I will also monitor the health, development, and growth of your baby. Apart from my visits, you can reach me anytime during those 56 days per phone or message.
If desired, it is possible to meet for a preliminary meeting during your pregnancy.
Your basic insurance covers 10, respectively 16 visits by me up until 8 weeks after birth. 16 visits are possible if it is your first child if you had a caesarean section or if you have had a multiple birth. 10 visits are covered if it isn’t your first child and you’ve had a vaginal delivery. Basic insurance also covers up to 150.- Swiss Francs for preliminary counselling or a birth preparation course.
The so-called “Pikettpauschale”, a fee of 120.- Swiss Francs to cover your midwife being on call for you starting at 37 weeks of pregnancy, unfortunately isn’t always paid for. Many municipalities and some insurers agreed to cover those expenses though. You can find information about this topic (in German, French and Italian) at the following link: