Cloth nappy counselling
The dusty image of cloth nappies that must be folded painstakingly and generate mountains of laundry is gradually evaporating. Thankfully! During our postpartum visits, or even before, I am happy to give advice about the advantages and disadvantages of the different nappy systems and answer your individual questions.
While you will find practical hacks for every-day-cloth-nappy life with me, Franziska from is a real expert in everything around cloth nappies. I won her over to write the input Ein Plädoyer für Stoffwindeln in my blog (in German only), where she gives us a general overview, tells us interesting facts about ecobalance and overall cost, and introduces her offers.
If you are interested in cloth nappies, I recommend renting a test drive package for a few weeks. They come with all the different systems and materials for you to try and always include the possibility to ask your questions as you go along. Test drive packages can be found in several online cloth nappy shops.