What I offer
You’ll find here what I offer in detail. The care of a family never follows a scheme. Everything you read in the following section is more like a basic framework. Let’s find out together what you need or wish and follow your personal path.

Birth Preparation Course
A child doesn’t need a birth preparation course to be born! However from my professional and personal experience I am convinced that a general overview of the birth process and about the first few weeks afterwards is a great resource for parents.

Postnatal Care
Your child is finally here. What now?! Full responsibility for this young human and expectations upon yourself can be quite overwhelming. I am happy to support you on your journey as a new family.

Cloth nappy counselling
To use cloth instead of paper diapers is trendy and makes a lot of sense, economically and ecologically. Out of my personal experience I can give you a general overview about the different systems, advantages, and tricks.